To see the letter "C" in your dream symbolizes being average. It may also be a pun on "seeing". The dream is drawing your attention to something that you need to see or take notice. Pay attention! Alternatively, it may indicate the name or initial of a person.
To dream that you are hailing a cab suggests that you need to ask for help in order to be able to move forward in some waking situation.
To dream that you are in a cab indicates that you are being taken for a ride. Someone is taking advantage of you.
To see or dream that you are in a cabana signifies your need for an escape or vacation. You may be feeling overwhelmed by a waking problem and need some downtime.
To watch a cabaret in your dream indicates your need to acknowledge your sensual side.
To see or eat cabbage in your dream suggests that you should not waste time with petty things in your life. You live and thrive on life's challenges. Alternatively, the dream refers to your unwise choices or decisions. You need to rethink some of your decisions.
To see or dream that you are in a wood cabin indicates that you will succeed via your own means. It suggests that you are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. You prefer the simpler things in life.
To dream that you are in a ship cabin indicates that are seeking some refuge from your emotions.
To see a cabinet in your dream symbolizes the female body and/or the womb. Alternatively, you may be hiding some family or personal secret. Consider the contents and condition of the cabinet for more clues.
To dream that someone rearranged your cabinets suggests that somebody is overstepping your boundaries.
To see a cable in your dream represents your stamina and durability. If the cable is frayed or broken, then it signifies a lack of strength.
To dream of cable television signifies your openness and how you communicate with others.
Cable Car
To see or ride in a cable car in your dream signifies the compromises that you make in life. Sometimes you have to go along with the masses in order to maintain the peace. Alternatively, the dream represents life's journey. You are headed in the right direction.
To see or be in a caboose implies that you are last in line for something. You are feeling shortchanged. Alternatively, dreaming of a caboose serves as a reminder that you will eventually get to where you need. It is not always about being first or finishing first.
To hear the sound of cackling in your dream signifies illness and loss.
To see a cactus in your dream suggests that you are feeling invaded, that your space is being crowded into and that you are being suffocated. The prickly spines of the cactus represent the boundary you are trying to establish between your personal and private. Or you feel the need to defend yourself in some way. Alternatively, the dream implies that you have found yourself in a sticky situation. Perhaps you need to adapt to your existing circumstances instead of trying to change them.
To dream that you are dissecting a cadaver indicates that you are ready to reveal or expose an aspect of yourself that you have been hiding.
To see a cadaver in your dream represents a part of yourself that has died. Alternatively, dreaming of a cadaver means that you tend to give everything you have in a situation or relationship.
To see a Cadillac in your dream suggests that you are driven to succeed. Your ambition will take you far in life.
To see a caduceus in your dream symbolizes health concerns. The dream may be telling you that you need to take better care of yourself.
Caesarian Section
To dream that you are having a caesarian section implies that you need help in order to get your idea or project off the ground. You can not do it by yourself. A more direct interpretation of this dream may represent your anxieties of having a C-section in real life.
To dream that you are at a cafe represents your social life. The dream is telling you that it is time to call up old friends and catch up with what they are all up to.
To dream that you are in a cafeteria denotes that there may be a lot of issues "eating" you up inside.
To dream that you are in a cage indicates that you are experiencing inhibitions and powerlessness in some areas of your life. You are feeling restricted, confined and restrained in a current relationship or business deal. Somebody may be keeping a short leash on you, where you are lacking the freedom to act independently.
To dream that you are putting a wild animal into a cage signifies that you will succeed in overcoming your rivals and fears. It is also symbolic of your ability to control you animalistic rages and anger.
To see a bird in a cage suggests that you are feeling limited in your expression and a sudden lost of freedom. You may be experiencing frustrations and an inhibited spirituality. The dream may also imply that you are feeling like a "jail bird".
Cage Fighting
To dream that you are cage fighting indicates that you are feeling restricted or confined in a current relationship. An aspect of yourself is fighting to be expressed or let out.
To watch a cage fight represents conflicting ideas or beliefs.
To see a cake in your dream indicates that you need to learn to share and allocate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself. Cakes also symbolize selfishness or the feeling of not getting your fair share. More positively, the dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements. Consider also the metaphor a "piece of cake" or some situation that is easy.
To see a partially eaten cake in your dream signifies missed and lost opportunities.
To dream that you are buying a cake suggests that you have accepted the rewards and recognition you are getting for our work. You are learning to be comfortable in the spotlight.
To dream that you are eating calamari indicates that you are feeling battered or beaten. However, you are tough. Hang in there!
To see a calculator in your dream suggests that you need to thoroughly think through some problem and carefully evaluate your choices. You need to lay out some sort of plan or outline. The symbol may also be a metaphor for someone who is "calculating", cunning and scheming.
To see a calendar in your dream represents the passing of time and past events. The dream may also be a reminder of a special event, appointment or important date in your waking life.
To see a calf in your dream symbolizes immaturity and inexperience. You need to develop certain qualities.
Known as the Golden State, to dream of California, refers to your desire for instant wealth. It may also suggests that you are looking for fame. If you live in California, then the dream may just be a reflection of your reality.
To see or use a caliper in your dream reflects your concerns about not measuring up to the standards or expectations of others. Alternatively, dreaming of a caliper means that you need to be careful in making a decision or judgment.
Calla Lily
To see calla lilies in your dream symbolize new beginnings, rebirth and longevity. In particular, a white calla lily represents purity, simplicity or elegance. Alternatively, the calla lily refers to a commitment.
Calling Card
To see or use a calling card in your dream indicates that there is someone that you need to reach out to. If the calling card has the name of someone you know on it, then it means that their presence is with your spiritually, even though they may not be with you physically. Something in your waking life is reminding you of this person.
To dream that you have calluses symbolize hard work. You have be laboring over a difficult task or situation.
To dream that you are calm denotes a fulfilling life. You find contentment and satisfaction in what you have.
To dream that someone is trying to calm you down suggests that you will experience many setbacks, especially if you continue to let your emotions run out of control.
To see calomel in your dream indicates a rivalry.
To dream that you are taking calomel signifies that you are being manipulated and taken advantage of. It is time to open your eyes and not allow yourself to be stepped on.
To see your calves in your dream symbolize movement and your ability to jump from situation to situation. In particular, if you are admiring your own calves, then it denotes a needy or codependent relationship.
To see a camel in your dream denotes that you need to be more conservative; you are carrying too many responsibilities, burdens and problems on your shoulders. Consider the common phrase, "the straw that broke the camel's back". You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. Learn to forgive and forget. Alternatively, the camel represents your stamina.
To dream that you are petting a camel indicates that you are ready to let go of some of the burdens, responsibilities or emotional baggage that you are carrying around.
To see or wear a cameo in your dream represents an aspect of yourself that you are trying to express. Perhaps you are showing your delicate and feminize side. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a "cameo" appearance that you are making at some social gathering.
To see a camera in your dream signifies your desires to cling on and/or live in the past. Alternatively, it may indicate that you need to focus on a particular situation. Perhaps you need to get a clearer picture or idea.
To dream that the camera is broken indicates that you are ignoring an issue or refusing to see the big picture.
To dream that you cannot find your camera to take a picture implies that you are not focusing on the matter at hand. Your attention is too easily diverted. Alternatively, the dream refers to forgotten memories.
To see or dream that you are on a hidden camera indicates that you feel that you are being scrutinized. All eyes are on you.
To dream that you are in camouflage suggests that you are hiding your true self and feelings. You are concealing who you really are. Alternatively, there is a situation in your waking life that is making you want to blend into the background and not get noticed.
To dream that you are living in a camper indicates that you need to move on with some situation or some aspect of your life. You may be dwelling on a situation and it is time to move forward. Alternatively, you may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient.
To start or see a campfire in your dream represents sharing and companionship. You need to open yourself to others and allow others to get to know you.
To dream that you are camping indicates a need for relaxation and a long-deserved break. You need to be more in touch with nature and go back to a more basic and simpler life. Alternatively, it refers to your social circle and support group. You are looking for a sense of belonging, but at the same time be self-sufficient and independent.
To dream that you are on a campus indicates your need to expand your thinking/knowledge and challenge yourself mentally.
To see a can in your dream indicates that there is something in your past that you need to hold on to and preserve. The dream may also be a pun on how you "can" do something. Don't underestimate your abilities and talents.
To see canned foods in your dream symbolizes the emotions that you are keeping inside.
Can Opener
To see a can opener in your dream indicates your willingness to accept new ideas and new concepts. It may also be a symbol of reassurance and a way to tell yourself that "I can" do something.
To dream that you are in Canada depends on your own personal associations with the country. If you have never been to Canada, then you will need to draw on your own preconceptions and feelings of the country.
To see a canal in your dream symbolizes restraint and constricted emotions. It also suggests that you are unyielding in your thinking and beliefs, which may hinder you in the pursuit of your goals. You are being too controlling.
To see a canary in your dream represents happiness and harmony. Alternatively, the dream could indicate your desires for a relationship or that a new relationship is blossoming.
To dream that you are canceling an appointment or plans suggests that you are afraid to confront some matter. You don't want to face the facts. Dreaming that your flight was cancelled indicates that you are feeling helpless or trapped by some situation. You feel you are being held back, either physically or mentally.
To dream that you have cancer denotes hopelessness, grief, self-pity, and unforgiveness. You feel you are wasting your life away. This dream also represents areas in your life which are bothering you, disturbing you, and hurting you in some emotional way. An emotional issue is eating away at you.
To dream that you are being treated for cancer signifies a positive change in your life.
To dream that someone has cancer indicates that you need to change your negative way of thinking before it eats away at you. Start being more positive.
To dream that someone is a Cancer sign symbolizes your tendency to keep and hold on to everything. You have a lot of power and influence. The Cancer sign also indicates that you tend to be sensitive, moody and emotional. You are also very family oriented.
To see a burning candle in your dream signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You are in a comfortable stage in your life and may be seeking spiritual enlightenment. Lit candles are also symbolic of intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search for truth.
To see an unlit candle denotes feelings of rejection or disappointments. You are not utilizing your fullest potential. If you try to light the candle, but it won't light, then it represents grief. You are in denial about something.
To see a candle blow out in your dream indicates that you are surrendering a significant aspect of yourself. You are letting go of something that used to be important to you.
To watch the candle burn down to nothing in your dream signifies your fears of aging and dying. Alternatively, it represents a fear of sexual impotence.
To see a red colored candle in your dream symbolizes some intimate or romantic relationship. You may not be giving the relationship a fair chance and are dismissing it before you invested sufficient time to learn more about the other person. On the other hand, you may just not be feeling any chemistry or passion.
Candle Wax
To see candle wax in your dream indicates that there is too much activity going on in your life. You may need to slow down and take a breather. Alternatively, it may symbolize the passage of time.
To see or eat candy in your dream symbolizes the joys and the special treats in life. It also represents indulgence, sensuality and/or forbidden pleasure. You may be devoting too much time to unimportant issues. A more direct interpretation suggests that you are eating too much candy and sweets.
Candy Apple
To see or eat a candy apple in your dream is a reminder that you can have too much of a good thing. You need to show restraint in some area of your life.
To see or use a cane in your dream suggests that you are in need of some support and advice. The cane may also represent someone you trust and can rely on.
To dream that you are being caned indicates that you are being forced into submission or obedience. Someone is trying make an example of you. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes self-guilt.
To dream that you are caning someone signifies pent up aggression. Pay attention at who you are caning. You may harbor some ill feeling or anger toward this person. This person could also represent an aspect of your own self.
Canned Food
To see or eat canned food in your dream implies that you are keeping your emotions bottled up inside. You feel that it is not the appropriate time to express your true desires.
To see cannibalism in your dream symbolizes a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. Metaphorically, cannibals consume people's lives, along with their energy. Thus, this dream may then denote an aspect of your life (career, relationship, children, etc ), which is consistently draining your enthusiasm and vitality.
To dream that you are a victim of cannibalism represents feelings of being "eating alive" by work, a relationship or a situation in your waking life.
To see a cannon in your dream suggests that there is something drastic that needs to be done immediately. According to the Freudian school of thought, the cannon symbolizes the penis.
To see a cannonball in your dream indicates that you are harboring some anger or aggression and it is weighing your down.
To see a canoe in your dream represents serenity simplicity, and independence. It is also a reflection of your emotional balance. You are moving ahead via your own power and determination.
To see a canopy in your dream symbolizes protection. You may also be elevated to a prominent position.
To see or eat cantaloupe in your dream implies that you put forth a tough image, but are sensitive on the inside. Metaphorically, cantaloupes can refer to the breasts.
To see or use a canteen in your dream suggests that you are looking to easily and conveniently satisfy your emotional needs.
To see a canvas in your dream symbolizes potential and possibilities, especially if the canvas is blank. Consider the significance of what is on the canvas, as it is an aspect of your subconscious.
To see a canyon in your dream represents your subconscious mind and hidden feelings. It may point to emotions and relationships that you did not recognize.
To see a cap in your dream signifies informality and ease. It also suggests that you need to be more tolerant of others.
Cap And Gown
To wear a cap and gown in your dream indicates that you are transitioning into a higher level in your life. You are ready to move on to the next stage.
To see someone in a cap and gown in your dream symbolizes your successes and accomplishments.
To see or dream that you are wearing a cape indicates that you are trying to shield yourself from being emotionally hurt. It may also mean that you are trying to cover-up or hide something.
To dream that someone is a Capricorn signifies fears of inadequacy. You are afraid that you are not measuring up. Alternatively, it denotes your drive, tenacity and ambition.
To dream that your boat has capsized represents your avoidance in confronting uncomfortable feelings and/or situations.
To dream that you are a captain indicates that you are taking charge of your emotions and confronting the issues that are bothering you.
To see a captain in your dream represents your powerful influence over others.
To dream that you are held captive suggests that you are feeling trapped in some aspect or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel trapped in your career, relationship or life in general. Alternatively, captivity dreams indicate something you are refusing to acknowledge or something that you are in denial about.
To dream that you are driving a car denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. Consider how smooth or rough the car ride is. If you are driving the car, then you are taking an active role in the way your life is going. However, if you are the passenger, then you are taking a passive role. If you are in the backseat of the car, then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over. This may be a result of low self-esteem or low self-confidence. Overall, this dream symbol is an indication of your dependence and degree of control you have on your life. Driving a new car means that you are headed toward a new direction or goal. You are deviating from your original life path.
To dream that you drive your car into a body of water or that it rolls into water implies that you are in for an emotional journey. To see a car underwater in your dream points to feelings of regret or sadness over an abandoned goal.
To dream that your car is buried suggests that you are feeling weary about pursing someone else's dreams instead of your own. You are afraid to let others down.
To dream that your car flipped over or rolled over implies that some significant event is preventing you from achieving your goals. You feel that you have to put your own life on hold.
To see or dream that a car is being crushed represents disappointments occurring in your waking life. You are lacking ambition and goals.
To dream that your car won't start indicates that you are feeling powerless in some situation.
To dream that you forget or can't find where you parked your car indicates that you are dissatisfied or unhappy with an aspect of your waking life. You do not know what you really want to do with your life or where you want to go.
To dream that your car has been stolen indicates that you are being stripped of your identity. This may relate to losing your job, a failed relationship, or some situation which has played a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person. If you dream that you are stealing a car, then it implies that you are trying to take credit for someone else's work. It may also mean that you are downplaying the role that others had in your success.
To dream that your car is overheating suggests that you are expending too much energy. You need to slow down or run the risk of being burnt out. You are taking on more than you can handle. It is time to take a breather.
To see a parked car in your dream suggests that you need to turn your efforts and energies elsewhere. You may be needlessly spending your energy in a fruitless endeavor. Alternatively, a parked car may symbolize your need to stop and enjoy life.
To dream that you are almost hit or were ran over by a car suggests that your lifestyle, beliefs or goals may be in conflict with another's. It may also be symbolic of a jolting experience or injured pride. If you dream that you hit or ran over someone with a car, then it implies that you have hurt someone in order to move ahead in life.
To dream that you are unable to roll up the windows of your car suggests that you are showing some hesitation and reservation about the direction that you are taking in life or the path that you have chosen.
To see a haunted car in your dream represents unfinished goals. You had started off on a path or journey, but never reached the end. Perhaps life had taken you on a different direction that you had planned or intended.
To dream that no one is driving a moving car suggests that you need to reassess your level of control over your life. You are unwilling to take responsibilities for your actions.
To buy a car in your dream refers to your commitment to some important life decision you have made.
To see or drive a car that looks like a cat refers to your free and independent spirit. If you are almost hit by a car that looks like a cat, then it suggests that you are hindering someone's goals or not letting them be who they are. If you dream of driving a black colored car, then it means that you like to be low-key about your intentions or goals. Driving a black color in a dream signify some ulterior motives. Dreaming of a car that is driving fast suggests that you need to slow down and think through your choices. You are so focused on your goals that you are leaving behind the people around you.
Car Alarm
To hear or set off a car alarm in your dream implies that you are headed on the wrong path. The dream is alerting you to change your direction and alter your course.
Car Battery
To see your car battery in your dream symbolizes your stamina.
To dream that your car battery is dead suggests that you are overwhelmed and overworked. You need to slow down and set some time for yourself or else run the risk of collapsing from exhaustion.
Car Carrier
To see a car carrier in your dream indicates that you are lacking direction and have no goal of your own. You are letting others make decisions for you. You are going with the flow.
Car Dealership
To see or dream that you are in a car dealership refers to some decision that you need to make about where you want to go in life. You are trying to figure out your life path.
Car Seat
To see an infant car seat in your dream implies that you are in control of someone else's direction or destiny in life. Alternatively, the dream refers to the beginning stages of your life journey. You are just getting started on an important path.
Car Show
To dream that you are at a car show suggests that you are drawn to a flashy lifestyle which may not necessarily be who you really are.
To dream that you are showing off your car at a car show implies that you are proud of your accomplishments and achievements. You are seeking recognition for your work.
To eat or lick caramel in your dream indicates a sweet and satisfying situation will eventually turn into "sticky" problem. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is really too good to be true.
To dream that you are part of a caravan means that you will achieve your goals with the support of others. You do not need to do things by yourself.
To see the carburetor in your dream represents emotional, spiritual and physical balance.
To see a carcass in your dream indicates that you are feeling emotionally torn. You feel that you are literally being ripped apart.
To see a cardboard box in your dream indicates a lack of protection against risk.
To see a cardinal in your dream represents vitality and happiness. It also may mean being in first place or your position at the front.
To dream that you are playing a game of cards represents your ability to strategize in various areas of your life. In particular, diamonds indicate wealth and materialism, clubs indicate work and industry, hearts indicate happiness in love, and spades indicate troubling times and disappointments.
To dream that you are shuffling cards signifies indecision. You need to reevaluate your choices. In particular, dreaming of the king of heart card symbolizes a compassionate male figure in your life. It may also mean that you are that compassionate person.
To dream that you are loading or carrying cargo refers to a heavy load that you are carrying around. You are feeling overburdened or overwhelmed. If you are unloading cargo in your dream, then it indicates that you are ready to rid yourself of the extra weight, negative habits and/or excesses that are holding you back. It is time to let go.
To dream that you have been carjacked suggests that you have lost your direction in life. You feel that circumstances in your life has lead you on a different course.
To see carnations in your dream symbolize light-heartedness, vitality and joy. Alternatively, it may represent bachelorhood. Consider the color of the carnation for additional significance.
To see a carnelian in your dream represents passion, lust, sexuality, or matters of the heart. It also indicates a need for spiritual healing.
To dream that you are at the carnival represents falsehoods and deception. If you observe freakish sights, then it denotes a lack of harmony in your domestic life. Much sorrow will arise in what were thought to be pleasant times.
To dream that you are on a carnival ride suggests that you are going in circles. It may also symbolize cheap thrills.
To dream that you run away with the carnival denotes that you will be involved in or closely connected to the entertainment field.
To dream that you are caroling signifies joy, harmony and tranquility. You are in a festive and upbeat mood. The dream may also be a pun on someone who is named "Carol".
To see a carp in your dream indicates that you need to put aside your pride and ego and not let it get in the way of friendships and relationships. Alternatively, the carp is symbolic of patience, perseverance, determination, tenacity, courage and success.
To see or dream that you are a carpenter indicates that you are confronting and overcoming your obstacles. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to change your way of thinking and readjust your attitude.
To see a carpet in your dream represents your way of protecting yourself from life's harsh realities. Alternatively, a carpet symbolizes luxury, comfort or richness. Consider the condition and designs of the carpet and how it parallels the foundation that you have laid for yourself in life. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you are refusing to confront some issue and instead are sweeping it under the carpet?
To dream that you are installing or laying down carpet suggests that you are trying to make your life more comfortable. The dream may also be analogous to the planning of something. You are laying out some new project or endeavor.
To dream of a magic carpet implies your desires and wishes to escape from a situation, relationship, or responsibilities. The dream is similar to a flying dream, so you may want to look up flying.
To see an old-fashioned carriage in your dream suggests that your ways of thinking may be too outdated and antiquated. The carriage is also a symbol of power and status.
Carrom Board
To see or play with a Carrom Board in your dream implies that you need to focus on your goals. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are trying to shield or protect a loved one from some problem or issue.
To see a carrot in your dream signifies abundance and fertility. It may also symbolize a lure as in the idiom "to dangle a carrot".
To eat a carrot in your dream indicates clarity. You are seeing something more clearly.
To dream that you are being carried suggests that you are feeling like a burden to somebody. You need to be more independent and take on more responsibilities. Alternatively, it may elude to romance.
To dream that your real life is depicted in a cartoon world suggests that you are perceiving the world in a comical and unserious manner. This dream may also serve as an escape from the stressful realities of your life. It is your way of obtaining moments of lightheartedness and fun. Additionally, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and at your mistakes.
To dream that you are watching cartoons indicates that you are not taking life seriously.
To dream that you are doing cartwheels represent poise and balance in your life or the need to regain balance. You need to handle life's obstacle and stress with more fortitude.
To dream that you have difficulties doing cartwheels suggest that you do not have confidence in your own abilities. It may also mean that you are lacking discipline and are exhibiting some struggles in your life. There is an imbalance between work and pleasure.
To dream that you are carving a piece of wood symbolizes spiritual and creative energy. Metaphorically, you are transforming subconscious energy into conscious awareness. Consider whether the carving is purely ornamental or utilitarian.
To dream that you are carving some meat indicates that you are trying to rid yourself of certain feelings. You may be distancing yourself from your emotions and analyzing them from an objective standpoint. Alternatively, some person or situation is violating an aspect of your life.
To dream that you are at a carwash indicates that you need to clean up your self-image. You are ready for a fresh start.
Cash Register
To see a cash register in your dream represents financial worries and concerns. You are assessing your financial situation. On the other hand, you may be expecting monetary gains.
To see or dream that you are a cashier indicates that you are re-evaluating your life and what you have accomplished. Alternatively, it suggests that you have removed yourself out of some situation. You have "checked out".
To feel or wear cashmere in your dream symbolizes luxury. You strive for the finer things in life. Alternatively, dreaming of cashmere suggests that you are looking for warmth and comfort in your relationships.
To dream that you are in a casino signifies the risk-taker within you. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream suggests that you should take a chance. If you are not, then it implies that you need to make a more informed decision instead of relying on fate.
To see a casket in your dream symbolizes the womb. It also signifies your thoughts and fears of death. If the casket is empty, then it denotes irreconcilable differences. Alternatively, the coffin represents ideas and habits that are no longer of use and can be buried. In particular, if the casket is white, then it refers to lost innocence.
To see a body in a casket in your dream signifies that you are going through a period of depression. You may feel confined, restricted and that you are lacking personal freedom. There may be a dead or decaying situation or issue in your life that you need to address. It is time to end this situation or relationship.
To dream you are making a casserole symbolizes new ideas or a new phase in your life.
Cassette Tape
To see a cassette tape in your dream suggests that there is worth and truth in what you are saying. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to get out of the same rut. You are going around in a loop.
To see a cassowary in your dream refers to your shy nature. You try to avoid confrontation and arguments.
To dream that you are wearing a cast suggests that your motion is being inhibited in some way. Or that you need to show some restraint in an area of your life. Consider which part of the body is in a cast. Alternatively, a cast symbolizes a time of healing and discipline.
To see, hear or play with castanets in your dream represents little annoyances and irritations in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you need to "cast-a-net". Perhaps you are looking for some assistance.
To see a castle in your dream signifies reward, honor, recognition, and praise for your achievements. You are destined to a position of power, wealth, and prestige. Alternatively, the dream indicates your desire to escape from life's daily problems.
To dream that you live in a castle represents your extreme need for security and protection to the point where you may be isolating yourself from others. Perhaps the dream parallels a waking situation where it has put you on the defensive.
To see a castle door in your dream indicates that you have missed a huge and/or profitable opportunity, especially if you are standing outside the castle door. If you are standing inside the castle door, then it means that you have let your success and ego distance you from others.
To dream of a castration signifies your overwhelming fears that you have lost your virility. You are feeling the pressures of your sexual performance. Alternatively, it represents a lack of creativity, power or strength.
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